The Best Love πŸ’˜

I miss a person in my life. As I was talking about that person to my husband, he asked why do I like that person.  Then my mind was processing why do I like her?? Answer is β€œshe likes me so much, so I like her”. Yup! If someone likes us, definitely we will likeContinue reading “The Best Love πŸ’˜”

The best moment of my life β€

I just gave one moment of my life to Jesus Christ,He created many beautiful moments in my life. This made me give my whole life to Him for it to be so beautiful and colorful !! With Jesus, life is so awesome. Just give a moment to Jesus Christ and you will not regret toContinue reading “The best moment of my life β€”

The best bad B’s πŸ‘‡πŸ˜³

Are you bored.? If yes ,then you have got this time to do something more important. If you aren’t bored, you are so busy and just need to rest for sometime . That time can be used to think about the whole yourself which is your body, mind and soul. Are they healthy? I seeContinue reading “The best bad B’s πŸ‘‡πŸ˜³”

The best admirer in the Universe !!

Chirping sound of birds early morning was once my admiration. Days went on and I just forgot to admire the same. Two days back ,those sound just reached my ears and it was so sweet. At that moment, I just remembered my love to those beautiful sound of birds. This made me think what allContinue reading “The best admirer in the Universe !!”

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