The best admirer in the Universe !!

Chirping sound of birds early morning was once my admiration. Days went on and I just forgot to admire the same. Two days back ,those sound just reached my ears and it was so sweet. At that moment, I just remembered my love to those beautiful sound of birds. This made me think what allContinue reading “The best admirer in the Universe !!”

Trust and Fall

Hi friends, If we trust a person ,we blindly do what they say without thinking about the consequences aftermath. If we trust a thing, we will not stop using it and we will be ready to buy at any cost. Preyerna trusts me. I say it because I just saw the level she trusted meContinue reading “Trust and Fall”

Nullify loneliness – Find the best companion!

Certain empty places in life are because of the people who leave this earth. This can’t be changed and it’s unavoidable. When my grandmother left the earth, I could feel the emptiness at home. And the other thing I noticed is when our pet dogs died, the next day I felt the emptiness in theContinue reading “Nullify loneliness – Find the best companion!”

The best place for everyone !

Hi friends, are you holding every problem in your hands?? It’s very difficult to carry ourselves. My little girl “Preyerna” she just took whatever toys she need ,in her hands and one by one fell from her hands. So she just took a basket and put everything inside. She just felt easy after that. ThisContinue reading “The best place for everyone !”

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